Thurston family-run ice cream maker Criterion Ices has just completed the installation of a new blast freezer that…

Established 1920 we decided to launch a new website a few months ago.
Here are one or two of the kindly notices we have received since then
Ella R
“Your ice cream is beautiful”
Zoe C
“My husband and I sampled your delicious stem ginger ice cream whilst visiting a local theatre [Hertford]”
Lee W
“Me and my family have been to Norwich Theatre Royal a number of times and bought your ice creams which my whole family love and would like to buy as is so delicious and creamy and definitely got the mmmmmmmmmmm factor from everyone”
Jimena L
“I write on behalf of my son who has a peanut allergy and in our last visit to Churchill’s house [Chartwell, Kent], he discovered that not only he could eat Criterion ice cream but also that you have his favourite flavour: mint chocolate chip!”
Michelle K
“I have discovered your ice cream in a restaurant and was amazed to find nut free ice cream for my daughter. This is something I have always struggled with.”
Jason J
“Me and my family adore your ice cream tubs: chocolate and vanilla … I would also like to try the strawberry one … they are brilliant”
Joanna M
“We had some of your delicious dairy ices at the Wolsey Theatre [Ipswich] this evening and would love to purchase more for Christmas.”